Pioneering ADAS Services and Doing it the OEM Way.
Welcome to our world of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) repair, where we merge decades of experience in collision repair with cutting-edge computer technology, we refer to as Advanced Digital Automotive Services, to redefine automotive safety and efficiency.
Our Story: Our pioneering journey began in 2016 with a vision shared by experts from distinct yet interconnected domains, the collision repair and the computer world. Recognizing the transformative impact of ADAS on driving safety and vehicle performance, our founders, with their deep-rooted expertise in two distinct but synergistic worlds, embarked on a mission to offer unparalleled Smart ADAS services nationwide.
Our Expertise: Our distinction lies in our team’s unique mix of skills. With extensive collision repair experience, we deeply understand vehicle dynamics and structural soundness. We enhance this with our expertise in computer technology, using only OEM software and procedures to address the complexities of ADAS. Our unique abilities led us to develop and introduce the Full-cycle ADAS Repair™ (FCAR) process, ensuring ADAS repairs adhere strictly to OEM standards.
What We Offer:
–Decades of Combined Experience: Our founders and team combine decades of expertise in the collision repair industry and the computer world, ensuring a holistic approach to ADAS services.
– A Commitment to Safety: We prioritize safety, ensuring our service meets the highest safety standards.
–Cutting-Edge Technology: Our use of advanced tools and only OEM software places us at the forefront of ADAS servicing. (We never use substandard third-party OEM-compatible scanning systems and software.)
– Personalized Service: We believe in a customer-centric approach, offering personalized services to meet individual needs and ensuring customer satisfaction.
Join us in our journey to redefine vehicle safety and efficiency through our expert ADAS services.